Sunday, April 20, 2008

So you are thinking of becoming one of us?

Like all other hobbies, there are always things you need to consider before you start. For fish keeping, you gotta ask yourself these questions:

1) Is the place you live suitable for fish tanks?
- Some apartments don't allow pets, including fish.
- Even if you are extremely careful when dealing with the tanks, it is certain that sooner or later you will spill some water onto the floor. Make sure that your floor can handle the wetness.

2) Think about your family!
- Does your spouse/gf/bf... accept your hobby?? This is IMPORTANT!!! I know people who have to breakup with their partner because of the hobby.
- Pets. Dogs generally won't cause much trouble, but cats... I have heard bad things about them..

3) Do you have the time?
- Generally, fish keeping isn't very time demanding. Depending on how many and what type of fish tanks you are keeping, the time needed varies. Routine water change (weekly?) is probably the most time demanding part of fish keeping that you can't avoid.

4) Fishkeeping is... ADDICTIVE!!!
- Like most hobbies, fish keeping is addictive! You will see more and more tanks in your house in no time (multiple tanks syndrome)... More and more money will be soaked into water, and your life becomes inseperatable with fish.. You won't be going to vacations since you are worried about your fish. You will spend most of your time surfing fish forums when you are on a computer. The new friends you got are all fishkeepers. Conflicts built between you and your family members, whinning you are spending too much time on fish.......etc..etc..

Thats all I can think of for now... I will keep updating this when something comes up in my mind.

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